jeudi 18 mai 2023

How one woman raised $100,000 for cancer treatment she never needed

How one woman raised $100,000 for cancer treatment she never needed

In this week’s newsletter: Why did Amanda Riley con the blogosphere into paying for her fake illness? Find out in Scamanda. Plus: five of the best podcasts to mend a broken heart

People Who Knew Me
BBC Sounds, episodes weekly from Tuesday
Rosamund Pike, pictured above, stars as Emily, a woman who faked her own death on 9/11 and is now living happily in California. That’s until she’s diagnosed with breast cancer and decides to confront her past. Pike is natural and relatable, which puts this adaptation of Kim Hooper’s novel streets ahead of the average radio drama. Convincing characters, 15-minute episodes and a gripping storyline fuel a need to hear more. Hannah Verdier

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